Stompi - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Stompi? On this page you'll find 29 study documents about Stompi.
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Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 10
- Summary • 111 pages • 2021
- R149,00
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. It can be used as an extra workbook by learners or a core workbook by teachers. In this book, you will find exercises to aid you when practicing Afrikaans First Additional Language and can help you identify areas of concern. It will give you the best opportunity to apply and practice the basic concepts of Afrikaans. This book was specifically developed to help improve y...

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 9
- Summary • 130 pages • 2021
- R149,00
- 1x sold
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. It can be used as an extra workbook by learners or a core workbook by teachers. In this book, you will find exercises to aid you when practising Afrikaans First Additional Language and can help you identify areas of concern. It will give you the best opportunity to apply and practise the basic concepts of Afrikaans. This book was specifically developed to help improve y...

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 9 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 67 pages • 2021
- R99,00
- 1x sold
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 9. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 11
- Summary • 125 pages • 2021
- R149,00
- 1x sold
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. It can be used as an extra workbook by learners or a core workbook by teachers. In this book, you will find exercises to aid you when practising Afrikaans First Additional Language and can help you identify areas of concern. It will give you the best opportunity to apply and practise the basic concepts of Afrikaans. This book was specifically developed to help improve y...
This document includes 2 pages. The first one is a short worksheet about how stompi works, the second is the memo for the blanks missing.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 7 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 44 pages • 2021
- R50,00
- 1x sold
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 7. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 10 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 68 pages • 2021
- R99,00
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 10. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 11 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 75 pages • 2021
- R99,00
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 11. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 12 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 65 pages • 2021
- R99,00
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 12. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 8 Answers (memorandum)
- Summary • 75 pages • 2021
- R99,00
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This book was written by experienced, qualified teachers who understand how difficult it can be to make sense of Afrikaans. This book should be used in conjunction with the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook Grade 8. In this book, you will find the answers to the exercises in the Afrikaans First Additional Language Workbook which will help you better understand what is expected in a test setting and, in this way, improve your test results.

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