Electrolytic - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Electrolytic? On this page you'll find 40 study documents about Electrolytic.
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Summary Physical Sciences- Grade 12
- Summary • 34 pages • 2021
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- R103,00
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Summary of Matric Physical Sciences essential notes.

IEB electrochemistry summary
- Summary • 10 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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Summary of the grade 12 topic - electrochemistry which includes galvanic cells and electrolytic cells.

- Study guide • 15 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
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A comprehensive compilation of notes required for the electrochemistry section of the matric IEB Physical Science paper 2 (chemistry). Includes Galvanic cells, electrolytic cells, oxidation numbers, electroplating, electro-refining, quantitative aspects of electrochemistry, recovery of aluminium from bauxite and the chlor-alkali industry including the mercury cell, diaphragm cell and membrane cell.

elecrolytic cells IEB grade 12 summary
- Summary • 12 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R110,00
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elecrolytic cells IEB grade 12 summary

Electrolytic Cells
- Summary • 14 pages • 2020
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- R50,00
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These beauties got me 86% for the final paper! Detailed, colour-coded and clear notes about Electrolytic Cells that make for easy learning. Note content covers all definitions and calculations needed. Includes anodes, cathodes, the chlor-alkali industry cells and applications of electrolytic cells.

Electrochemistry - The Electrolytic Cell
- Study guide • 1 pages • 2019
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- R50,00
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This concept is taught in grade 12 Physical Science in both the IEB and CAPS syllabus. This document introduces the electrolytic cell and how it works.

Grade 12 IEB Chemistry- Electrochemistry
- Summary • 6 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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These notes are a summary of multiple IEB resources including relevant information, definitions, and diagrams. The notes are handwritten, easy to read, and were used in receiving an A in grade 12 physical science.

Galvanic and Electrolytic Cells
- Summary • 8 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R150,00
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Covers all that is needed in the Matric chemistry syllabus under the galvanic and electrolytic cells section
all definitions taken from the SAGS and includes diagrams

Electrochemistry - Electroplating
- Exam (elaborations) • 1 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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This concept is taught in grade 12 Physical Science in both the IEB and CAPS syllabus. This document explains the process of electroplating in relation to the electrolytic cell.
Everything on electrochemistry: Redox reactions, Galvanic cells, Cells notation, Electrolytic cells and calculations.

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