Great - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Great? On this page you'll find 687 study documents about Great.
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Purple Hibiscus: IEB Notes
- Summary • 8 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R85,00
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Breakdown of History, Igbo Culture, and Characters 
A breakdown of the novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This breakdown includes the novel's history, cultural significance, and characters. 
It is divided into 3 sections Igbo culture and language, thematic analysis, and analysis of characters and religion in the novel. 
Note pack is great for any test or essay preparation.

IEB Grade 12 GEOGRAPHY - Geomorphology - All Things Rivers
- Summary • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R130,00
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Forget too many pages of study notes, everything you need on rivers summarized into just 6 pages! One page per section makes it great to print out and keep in a file. 
These notes are great for visual learners, and includes diagrams needed for explaining and describing.

IEB Grade 12 GEOGRAPHY - All Climatology
- Summary • 5 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R130,00
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Forget too many pages of study notes, Midlatitude Cyclones, Anticyclones, Tropical Cyclones, Urban Climates and Valley Climates summarized into just 5 pages! One page per section makes it great to print out and keep in a file. 
These notes are great for visual learners, and includes diagrams needed for explaining and describing.

- Package deal • 9 items • 2023
- R500,00
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This package includes summaries of all the sections in the course as of 2023 - Hellenistic Philosophers and Plato & Aristotle. Also included is the question paper from the November 2023 Final Exam.

Summary MNG3701 - Strategic Management (MNG3701)
- Summary • 26 pages • 2022
- R85,00
- 22x sold
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Strategic Planning 3A summarised in 26 pages! 
I use this document myself as it contains all the important information in an easy to read document with a great outlay. Make sure you get this one! 
Great for people who are on revision and people who loves last minute exam prepping. Great to memorise in the way it is presented. 
Good luck for the exam, give your best!

Synoptic Charts & Weather Stations - All you need to know
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
- 2x sold
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These notes are great for visual learners, and includes diagrams + labels for explaining and describing. 
Covers synoptic charts basics, summer and winter synoptic chart as well as weather stations 
Let me know what else you would like to see!
Great value package which will enable you to be up to day with all the required assignments for the month.

LML4806 Assignment 1 solutions | Semester 1 | 2023 (Guaranteed Pass)
- Summary • 12 pages • 2023
- R50,00
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LML4806 Assignment 1 solutions. Semester 1 (2023). (Guaranteed Pass). All the best with your study year. This assignment will help you a great deal, the instructions given have been followed and the correct articles researched with the prescribed book: The Law of Business Structures. Cassim, FHI. Question: 1.1 Whether under the circumstances of this case the board of directors of Khubo Limited will have valid grounds to remove him (Jimmy) as a director of the company.

History Notes (Grade 9) - WW2 summaries
- Summary • 22 pages • 2023
- R100,00
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Summaries of WW2 History notes for Grade 9. Includes The beginning of World War 2, The Cold War, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Stories of Hope and Resistance, The Enabling Act 1933, The Nuclear Age, Dictatorship, The Nuremburg Laws, Fascism, Failure of Democracy in the Weimar Republic, Reasons for support of the Nazi party, the Holocaust, Loss of basic rights for Jews, The Big 3 and their motives, The Great Depression, the rise of Nazi Germany, The Treaty of Versailles, Resistance, The Battle of Midwa...

‘Poem of Return’ written by by Jofre Rochar and summarised by @ Juffrou Ansie, describes his return to his country. At this stage it is not known whether it is a voluntary or forceful return!
- Summary • 10 pages • 2025
- Available in package deal
- R55,33
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Detailed analysis per line and stanza. Colourful and easy to understand different concepts, covered the important information asked in tests/ exams.. Various topics discussed. 
In the poem ‘Poem of Return’ the speaker believes that the people who were not in exile suffered a great deal’ 
With reference to diction, tone and imagery discuss to what extent do you agree with the above statement.

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