Tangent - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Tangent? On this page you'll find 37 study documents about Tangent.
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MAM2000W: TNB Frames (Unit Tangent, Normal and Binormal) Summary
- Summary • 4 pages • 2021
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Detailed and understandable summary of the derivatives and integrals of vector functions. Packed with exam problems and colourful hints. Contains: - Basic introduction into TNB Frames - Explanation of what each unit vector means geometrically - Formula to calculate each unit vector - Proof of why the unit tangent, normal and binormal are mutually orthogonal

Equation of a tangent to a curve - examples
- Summary • 2 pages • 2022
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- R50,00
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summarized in this document are the 2 main types of an equation of a tangent to a curve that are examinable , there are no theoretical notes but rather structured simple to understand examples on each type of potential way the section can be examined.

Grade 11 & 12 mathematics summary : Circle Geometry
- Summary • 15 pages • 2021
- R65,00
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Similarity of theorem's, proportion theorems, hints for solving geometry riders, center theorems, cyclic quadrilateral theorems, tangent theorems, geometry theorems triangles, circle geometry theorems, tangent theorems, congruency of triangles, how to prove a tangent.

Grade 12 Mathematics: Tangents, graphs & functions
- Class notes • 19 pages • 2021
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- R50,00
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Notes on tangents to a curve, concavity and points of inflection, graph interpretation, logarithmic function, functions testing, inverse of linear and quadratic function, exponential function.
notes on differential rules
All geometry proofs, cyclic quadrilaterals proofs and properties , tangent proofs .( Grade 11 and 12 proofs).

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