Toekomende tyd - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Toekomende tyd? On this page you'll find 11 study documents about Toekomende tyd.
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Afrikaans HL Summary Term 1
- Summary • 6 pages • 2024
- R70,00
- 1x sold
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	Persoonlike, besitlike voornaamwoorde, 	Skryf sin in verlede tyd en/of toekomende tyd, 	Enkelvoud, meervoud, 	Lettergrepe en klankgrepe, 	Tussenwerpsel, 	Samestellings, 	Komma en punte, 	Hulpwerkwoord van tyd, 	Alfabetiese volgorde, 	Homofoon en homoniem gebruik in n sin, Wenke vir n opsomming

Toekomende & Verlede Tyd GR11
- Summary • 4 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
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Afrikaans as a language is difficult and it can be hard to learn the rules and sentence structures. These notes have the rules and examples of this sentence structure.

Afrikaans Language Notes IEB Matric
- Interview • 27 pages • 2021
- R150,00
- 24x sold
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This document consists of 27 pages that extensively cover the Afrikaans IEB language (Taal) exam requirements. The notes make use of explanations, breakdowns, scenarios and examples. 
It consist of: Negatiewe vorm, Voegwoorde, Infinitief, Direkt en indirekt rede, verlede en toekomende tyd, Betreklike voornaamwoorde, Lydende en Bedrywende vorm, Verwarrende woorde, Byvoeglike naamwoorde, Deelwoorde, Kommunikasie, meervoude en verkleining.

Gr12 Afrikaans Taalleer
- Interview • 29 pages • 2022
- R50,00
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Detailed notes on Afrikaans Taalleer 
Based on IEB syllabus 
Disclaimer: I'm first language English so please contact me if there is a problem :) 
-Byvoeglike Naamwoorde 
-Trappe van Vergelyking 
-Afgeleide Werkwoorde 
-Intensiewe Vorm 
- Algemene Antonieme 
-Algemene Sinonieme 
-Skryf as een woord 
-Betreklike Voornaamwoorde 
AFK1503, Werksopdrag 3, E-Portfolio, 96%

- Summary • 11 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
- 19x sold
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Language notes which include: infinitief, lydende en bedrywende, direkte en indirekte, betreklike voornaamwoorde, voegwoorde, toekomende tyd (future tense), verlede tyd (past tense)
NB - THIS CAN BE USED FOR ALL GRADES (I only was taught betreklike voornaamwoorde in Gr11)

Afrikaans Tye
- Summary • 2 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R75,00
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A breakdown of sentence types in “Taal” with examples

Afrikaans language rules and vocabulary
- Summary • 49 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R109,00
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These notes include all Afrikaans 'taal' (language) rules, as well as vocabulary such as voornaamwoorde (pronouns), Tyd (time), afkortings (abbreviations), synonieme (synonyms), meervoud (plural)... 
The document is in Afrikaans with English meanings, descriptions and rules.

grade 12/ matric - afrikaans paper 1 (all taal)
- Summary • 27 pages • 2020
- R150,00
- 26x sold
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A complete and thorough summary of everything in Afrikaans Paper 1, matric. This includes sentence structure and word order, and the rules that apply. These notes cover nearly everything that is learnt over the entirety of high school (grade 8-12) for Afrikaans First Additional Language, IEB, so it is still beneficial to those who are no in matric.

Tye Summary - Toekomende Tyd and Teenwoordige Tyd
- Summary • 1 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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A summary of the afrikaans tense rules of present and future tenses. English instructions are included as tips for each rule.

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