Hey guys! I Matriculated from Roedean School (SA) with Distinctions in all 7 of my Subjects. I also received my Academic Honors* and these are the notes I studied from. My subjects were English, Physical Science, Core Mathematics, Visual Art, Afrikaans, and Design. I also did my B1 in French outside of School. If you want to know about my notes beforehand - message me. *Academic Honors = A+ average for 15 terms in a row (every term in highschool)*
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26 items
Grade 12 IEB Chemistry - Quantitative Chemistry (Matric 2018)
Hand-Written In-Depth Chemistry Notes including diagrams and all important information in accordance with the Syllabus SAGS (2018/19). I received a Distinction for Science at the end of my Matric Year and these are the notes I studied from. (But please do make your own notes as well x Study hard and Goodluck!)
- Package deal
- Study guide
- • 7 pages •
Hand-Written In-Depth Chemistry Notes including diagrams and all important information in accordance with the Syllabus SAGS (2018/19). I received a Distinction for Science at the end of my Matric Year and these are the notes I studied from. (But please do make your own notes as well x Study hard and Goodluck!)
Grade 10-12 IEB Mathematics Paper 1 and Paper 2 Summary (CORE)
BUY BUNDLE SAVE R60! All Theory for Paper 1 and Paper 2 as well as examples. Each pack is a detailed Summary. I Received a Distinction in Matric and these are the notes I study from. All notes are checked for accuracy by my teachers at the time of their creation. (2018)
Applicable to Gr 10 & 11 too. Please see packs for more info! I hope they help!
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- • 2 items •
BUY BUNDLE SAVE R60! All Theory for Paper 1 and Paper 2 as well as examples. Each pack is a detailed Summary. I Received a Distinction in Matric and these are the notes I study from. All notes are checked for accuracy by my teachers at the time of their creation. (2018)
Applicable to Gr 10 & 11 too. Please see packs for more info! I hope they help!
IEB Mathematics Paper 1 Summary (Core)
Summary of All Paper 1 Theory. It is applicable for Gr11-Gr12 (Mostly Matric) and encompasses examples. Contains Notes on The Number system, Quadratic Equations, Nature of Roots, Inequalities, Simultaneous Equations, Polynomials, Remainder Theorem, Exponents and Surds, Finance, Number Patterns, Series, Sum to Infinity, Functions, Logs, Logarithims. Calculus, Cubic Graphs, Optimization and Probability! My testing average is a 90%. I hope these notes help! Study hard and Goodluck! Disclaimer!: You...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 37 pages •
Summary of All Paper 1 Theory. It is applicable for Gr11-Gr12 (Mostly Matric) and encompasses examples. Contains Notes on The Number system, Quadratic Equations, Nature of Roots, Inequalities, Simultaneous Equations, Polynomials, Remainder Theorem, Exponents and Surds, Finance, Number Patterns, Series, Sum to Infinity, Functions, Logs, Logarithims. Calculus, Cubic Graphs, Optimization and Probability! My testing average is a 90%. I hope these notes help! Study hard and Goodluck! Disclaimer!: You...
IEB Mathematics Paper 2 Cue Card Summary (Core)
Cue card summary of all Paper 2 Theory. It is applicable for Gr10-Gr12 and encompasses examples. Contains summary on Analytical Geometry, All Trigonometry, Statistics and Euclidean Geometry as well as all proofs you are required to learn! My testing average is a 90%. I hope these cards help! Study hard and Goodluck!

Disclaimer!: Your own knowledge is crucial when buying this pack as it is merely a Summary. Has been found very useful by many learners at my school to revise sections quickly befor...
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 61 pages •
Cue card summary of all Paper 2 Theory. It is applicable for Gr10-Gr12 and encompasses examples. Contains summary on Analytical Geometry, All Trigonometry, Statistics and Euclidean Geometry as well as all proofs you are required to learn! My testing average is a 90%. I hope these cards help! Study hard and Goodluck!

Disclaimer!: Your own knowledge is crucial when buying this pack as it is merely a Summary. Has been found very useful by many learners at my school to revise sections quickly befor...
Grade 10-12 IEB Visual Art Theory
My Visual Art Portfolio was 93% and I received a Distinction for Visual Art in Matric. These are the notes I study from. Notes also Applicable for Gr10-11. 

Pack contains summaries on the Art Movements as well as Examples of Works from each movement. It also includes notes on Visual Lit/Analysis. Movements include; Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Photo/Superrealsim, Minimalism, Conceptual art, Resistance Art and Post 1994 Art. Notes on Works include facts about the artwork an...
- Package deal
- Study guide
- • 31 pages •
My Visual Art Portfolio was 93% and I received a Distinction for Visual Art in Matric. These are the notes I study from. Notes also Applicable for Gr10-11. 

Pack contains summaries on the Art Movements as well as Examples of Works from each movement. It also includes notes on Visual Lit/Analysis. Movements include; Dada, Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, Photo/Superrealsim, Minimalism, Conceptual art, Resistance Art and Post 1994 Art. Notes on Works include facts about the artwork an...
Grade 8-12 IEB Afrikaans All Taal Rules
In-depth notes on all Taal Rules with examples. Afrikaans notes with English Explanations also suitable for Grade 9-12s.

Pack contains notes on Tye, Voegwoorde, Direkte en Indirekte Rede, Verkleinwoorde, Meervoude, Trappe van Vergelykings, Die Infinitief, Bedrywende en Lydende Vorm, Deelwoorde, Betreklike Voornaamwoorde, Voornaamwoorde, Ontkenning/Negatief en Opsommingwenke.
- Study guide
- • 33 pages •
In-depth notes on all Taal Rules with examples. Afrikaans notes with English Explanations also suitable for Grade 9-12s.

Pack contains notes on Tye, Voegwoorde, Direkte en Indirekte Rede, Verkleinwoorde, Meervoude, Trappe van Vergelykings, Die Infinitief, Bedrywende en Lydende Vorm, Deelwoorde, Betreklike Voornaamwoorde, Voornaamwoorde, Ontkenning/Negatief en Opsommingwenke.
Grade 12 IEB Chemistry - Energy Change and Rates of Reaction (Matric 2018)
Grade 8-12 IEB Afrikaans All Taal Rules
Grade 12 IEB Physics - Newton's Laws (I, II, III) (Matric 2018)
IEB Visual Art Conceptual Art Essay Example (Matric 2018)
Grade 12 IEB Physics - Kinematics (Matric 2018)