Troy's Study Notes
I sell all my grade 12 class notes and study notes for my current subjects. I am a high achieving student who makes digital notes. My current subjects are: English, Afrikaans, Math's, Physical science, Biology and Music, if you do any of these subjects watch this space as many more notes are to come!
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20 items
Acid Base Reactions (Grade 12 Summary)
Everything you need to know for the section of acid base reaction (in the grade 12 topic of acids and bases). I have published a full bundle of all sections in the topic acids and bases.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Everything you need to know for the section of acid base reaction (in the grade 12 topic of acids and bases). I have published a full bundle of all sections in the topic acids and bases.
Acids and bases Introduction
An introduction to the section acids and bases for grade 12 chemistry. I have published a full bundle containing all sections of the acid base section.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
An introduction to the section acids and bases for grade 12 chemistry. I have published a full bundle containing all sections of the acid base section.
Auto-ionisation of water (Grade 12 summary)
everything you need to know for the section Auto-ionisation of water (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
everything you need to know for the section Auto-ionisation of water (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
Conjugate acid base pairs (Grade 12 Summary0
everything you need to know for the section Conjugate acid base pairs (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 1 pages •
everything you need to know for the section Conjugate acid base pairs (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
Ka and Kb values (Grade 12 Suymmary)
This document covers everything you need to know for Ka and Kb values. (in the section acids and bases) for grade 12. I have published a bundle of all acids and bases notes which contains all the sections applicable to this topic.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document covers everything you need to know for Ka and Kb values. (in the section acids and bases) for grade 12. I have published a bundle of all acids and bases notes which contains all the sections applicable to this topic.
Chemical Change (Grade 12 Summary)
Chemical change (grade 12) summary. This document contains everything you need to know for the chemistry topic chemical change. It includes all calculations and theory needed for exams.
- Summary
- • 8 pages •
Chemical change (grade 12) summary. This document contains everything you need to know for the chemistry topic chemical change. It includes all calculations and theory needed for exams.
Acids and bases full Grade 12 Summary (all sections)
A full bundle containing all sections in the topic Acids and bases. This document contains all calculations and theory needed for exams including example questions. Contents: Acid base introduction, Titration, Acid base reactions, conjugate acid base pairs, Ph, Ka and Kb values, Auto-ionisation of water and Hydrolysis.
- Package deal
- • 8 items •
- Titration (Grade 12 Summary) • Summary
- Ph (Grade 12 Summary) • Summary
- Ka and Kb values (Grade 12 Suymmary) • Summary
- Hydrolysis (Grade 12 Summary) • Summary
- Conjugate acid base pairs (Grade 12 Summary0 • Summary
- And more ….
A full bundle containing all sections in the topic Acids and bases. This document contains all calculations and theory needed for exams including example questions. Contents: Acid base introduction, Titration, Acid base reactions, conjugate acid base pairs, Ph, Ka and Kb values, Auto-ionisation of water and Hydrolysis.
Hydrolysis (Grade 12 Summary)
everything you need to know for the section Hydrolysis (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
everything you need to know for the section Hydrolysis (in the grade 12 chemistry acids and bases topic). I have published a full acid and base bundle containing everything you need to know for the exams.
Ph (Grade 12 Summary)
This document covers everything you need to know for Ph (in the section acids and bases) for grade 12. I have published a bundle of all acids and bases notes which contains all the sections applicable to this topic.
- Package deal
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document covers everything you need to know for Ph (in the section acids and bases) for grade 12. I have published a bundle of all acids and bases notes which contains all the sections applicable to this topic.