Op deze pagina vind je alle documenten, voordeelbundels en oefenvragen die worden aangeboden door verkoper timvandertoorn.
- 18
- 0
- 3
- Volgers
- Volgend
29 Ontvangen beoordelingen
23 items

International Public Management and Policy (EUR)
Voordeelbundel voor de International Public Management and Policy studie op de EUR:
Blok 1: Global Governance (FSWMB-4075) & European Union Policy-Making (FSWMB-4250)
Blok 2: International Public Management (FSWBM-4220)
Blok 3: Research Design & Methods (FSWBM-9010)
Niet elk vak is een samenvatting voor, aangezien sommigen geen tentamen hebben.
- Voordeelbundel
- • 4 items •
- FSWBM-4075 Global Governance Summary Complete (IMP) • Samenvatting
- FSWBM-4250 - European Union Policy-Making Summary Complete (IMP) • Samenvatting
- FSWBM-4220 International Public Management (IMP) • Samenvatting
- Samenvatting Research Design & Methods (FSWBM-9010) • Samenvatting
Voordeelbundel voor de International Public Management and Policy studie op de EUR:
Blok 1: Global Governance (FSWMB-4075) & European Union Policy-Making (FSWMB-4250)
Blok 2: International Public Management (FSWBM-4220)
Blok 3: Research Design & Methods (FSWBM-9010)
Niet elk vak is een samenvatting voor, aangezien sommigen geen tentamen hebben.

Samenvatting Research Design & Methods (FSWBM-9010)
Samenvatting van de: 
- Weblectures 
- Hoorcolleges 
- Creswell & Creswell (2022) Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 
- Flyvberg (2006) Five Misunderstandings about Case Study Research 
- Tracy (2017) Qualitative Quality: Eight "big-tent" Criteria for Excellent Qualitative Research 
- Boeije & Bleijenbergh (2019) Hoofdstuk 6
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 14 pagina's •
Samenvatting van de: 
- Weblectures 
- Hoorcolleges 
- Creswell & Creswell (2022) Chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4 
- Flyvberg (2006) Five Misunderstandings about Case Study Research 
- Tracy (2017) Qualitative Quality: Eight "big-tent" Criteria for Excellent Qualitative Research 
- Boeije & Bleijenbergh (2019) Hoofdstuk 6

FSWBM-4220 International Public Management (IMP)
Summary of the Lectures, Book of Pollitt & Bouckaert, and the following articles: 
A Public Management for All Seasons? - Hood (1991) 
Complexity and Hybrid Public Administration - Christensen & Lægreid (2011) 
How Privatisation became a Train Wreck - Morris (2006) 
Agencification in Europe - Verhoest (2018) 
Ownership Unbundling in Electricity Distribution - Künneke & Fens (2007) 
Rethinking the 'Public Service Bargains' - Van der Meer et al. (2013) 
Public Value Governance - Bryson et al. ...
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 25 pagina's •
Summary of the Lectures, Book of Pollitt & Bouckaert, and the following articles: 
A Public Management for All Seasons? - Hood (1991) 
Complexity and Hybrid Public Administration - Christensen & Lægreid (2011) 
How Privatisation became a Train Wreck - Morris (2006) 
Agencification in Europe - Verhoest (2018) 
Ownership Unbundling in Electricity Distribution - Künneke & Fens (2007) 
Rethinking the 'Public Service Bargains' - Van der Meer et al. (2013) 
Public Value Governance - Bryson et al. ...

FSWBM-4250 - European Union Policy-Making Summary Complete (IMP)
Summary of the relevant Chapters, Articles, and Lectures of EUPM: 
- The Political System of the European Union - Hix & Høyland (2022) 
- The Politics of the European Union - Lelieveldt, H. & Princen, S. (2015) 
- The Political System of the European Union - Hix, S. (2005) 
- Responsiveness to Different National Interests - Mühlbock, M. & Tosun, J. (2018) 
- Agenda Setting in the Politics of the European Union - Lelieveldt, H. & Princen, S. (2015) 
- Dossier New Commission
- Boek & Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 23 pagina's •
Summary of the relevant Chapters, Articles, and Lectures of EUPM: 
- The Political System of the European Union - Hix & Høyland (2022) 
- The Politics of the European Union - Lelieveldt, H. & Princen, S. (2015) 
- The Political System of the European Union - Hix, S. (2005) 
- Responsiveness to Different National Interests - Mühlbock, M. & Tosun, J. (2018) 
- Agenda Setting in the Politics of the European Union - Lelieveldt, H. & Princen, S. (2015) 
- Dossier New Commission

FSWBM-4075 Global Governance Summary Complete (IMP)
Summary of the following literature: 
- Interests, Power, and Multilateralism - Martin (1992) 
- State Transformations in OECD Countries - Genschel & Zangl (2014) 
- Technology: How the US, EU, and China compete to set industry standards - Beattie (2019) 
- The False Promise of International Institutions - Mearsheimer (1994) 
- A Liberal Theory of International Politics - Moravcsik (1997) 
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and Science Policy - Finnemore (199...
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 32 pagina's •
Summary of the following literature: 
- Interests, Power, and Multilateralism - Martin (1992) 
- State Transformations in OECD Countries - Genschel & Zangl (2014) 
- Technology: How the US, EU, and China compete to set industry standards - Beattie (2019) 
- The False Promise of International Institutions - Mearsheimer (1994) 
- A Liberal Theory of International Politics - Moravcsik (1997) 
- The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization and Science Policy - Finnemore (199...

Samenvatting Theories of the Information Society (4th Edition) - Frank Webster
Samenvatting van het boek Theories of the Information Society van Frank Webster, hoofdstukken 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 en 11
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 9 pagina's •
Samenvatting van het boek Theories of the Information Society van Frank Webster, hoofdstukken 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 en 11

Bestuurskunde EUR Leerjaar 3 compleet
Gebundelde samenvattingen van de vakken:
- 3.3C Technology, Policy & Society (FSWSBC3-030-A)
- 3.4C Global & European Governance (FSWB-3040-A)
- 3.5C Political Philosophy & Democracy (FSWB-3051)
- 3.6C Management Consultancy & Policy Advice (FSWBC3-080)
- Voordeelbundel
- • 3 items •
- Samenvatting Global & European Governance • Samenvatting
- Samenvatting Political Philosophy and Democracy • Samenvatting
- Samenvatting Management Consultancy & Policy Advice • Samenvatting
Gebundelde samenvattingen van de vakken:
- 3.3C Technology, Policy & Society (FSWSBC3-030-A)
- 3.4C Global & European Governance (FSWB-3040-A)
- 3.5C Political Philosophy & Democracy (FSWB-3051)
- 3.6C Management Consultancy & Policy Advice (FSWBC3-080)

Samenvatting Technology, Policy & Society
Samenvatting van het vak 3.3C Technology, Policy & Society (FSWSBC3-030-A) van de hoorcolleges, en de relevante hoofdstukken van het boek Theories of the Information Society van Frank Webster
- Boek
- Samenvatting
- • 17 pagina's •
Samenvatting van het vak 3.3C Technology, Policy & Society (FSWSBC3-030-A) van de hoorcolleges, en de relevante hoofdstukken van het boek Theories of the Information Society van Frank Webster

Samenvatting Management Consultancy & Policy Advice
Samenvatting van de lectures van 3.6C Management Consultancy & Policy Advice (FSWBC3-080), en beknopte samenvattingen van de artikelen: 
- Stoker – Public Value Management 
- Craft & Howlett – The impact of externalization and politicization on policy advice 
- Vesely – A conceptual framework for multi-level analysis 
- Hodges – The nature and value of consultancy 
- Lapsley & Oldfield – Management consultants as agents of change 
- Werr & Styhre – Understanding the ambiguous client-...
- Voordeelbundel
- Samenvatting
- • 14 pagina's •
Samenvatting van de lectures van 3.6C Management Consultancy & Policy Advice (FSWBC3-080), en beknopte samenvattingen van de artikelen: 
- Stoker – Public Value Management 
- Craft & Howlett – The impact of externalization and politicization on policy advice 
- Vesely – A conceptual framework for multi-level analysis 
- Hodges – The nature and value of consultancy 
- Lapsley & Oldfield – Management consultants as agents of change 
- Werr & Styhre – Understanding the ambiguous client-...
Samenvatting Research Design & Methods (FSWBM-9010)
Samenvatting Political Philosophy and Democracy
Samenvatting Political Philosophy and Democracy
Samenvatting Technology, Policy & Society
Samenvatting HRM, Leadership & Performance Hoorcolleges, Boek en artikelen (FSWB-2031)