10th Grade
Latest uploads at 10th Grade. Looking for notes at 10th Grade? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
All courses for 10th Grade
- A programme of Music, Visual Arts and Drama education 2
- Accounting 42
- Advanced Program Mathematics 1
- Afrikaans 3
- Afrikaans FAL 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Language 3
- Afrikaans First Additional Language OR IsiXhosa First Additional Language 65
- Afrikaans HL 8
- Afrikaans huistaal 5
- Afrikaans second language 2
- Agricultural Sciences 1
- Agricultural-Management Practices 1
- Algebra ,English ,geometry , 2
- AQA 1
Popular books 10th Grade
Richard Rive • ISBN 9780864863034
ISBN 9781928370598
Zelda Bezuidenhout • ISBN 9780799391718
P. A. D. Beets • ISBN 9781415422670
Jean Bottaro, Pippa Visser, Nigel Worden, James Berrangé, James Whitelaw (Illustrator), Sean Strydom • ISBN 9780199057252
Wilma Bezuidenhout, Rudi Elliott • ISBN 9780195988291
Cecelia Steyn • ISBN 9780798180252
Nanette van Rooyen • ISBN 9780799358209
ISBN 9780195994957
Altus Strydom, Henricho Ferreira, Karoline Hanks • ISBN 9781107698918
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799378795
Samestelling • ISBN 9780799378672
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780799351378
Latest notes & summaries 10th Grade
Hierdie dokument bevat 5 verskillende langvrae oor Die Driehoekige Sirkel wat leerders kan gebruik om voor te berei vir Junie en/of eind eksamen vir hulle vraestel 2. Dit bevat voorbeelde van die volgende langvrae: Die Motiewe, Newekarakters se invloed op Caro, Sosio Ekonomiese konflik, Lauen en Caro se verwantskap en die innerlike en uiterlike konflik
Hierdie opsomming bevat die ontleding en notas van die 4 voorgeskrewe gedigte vir graad 10 leerders genaamd: Thumela, Life vanni jobless, Ek is oek important en Elegie vir 'n skoolloopbaan. dit verduidelik wat daar bedoel word met elke strofe en versreël en verwys ook na ironie, temas en die struktuur van die gedigte
Summary of grade 10 Biology - chemistry of life. Organic and inorganic compounds, cell structure and transport, vitamins, lipids, diffusion, endoplasmic reticulum, cell cycle
Bied ideale hersiening van basiese begrippe in eenvoudige, verstaanbare taal aan alle studente. Help studente wat agter geraak het as gevolg van siekte en ander faktore om by te kom. Die dokument is ideaal vir ouers wat tuisskoling doen om hulle verroeste kennis op te knap, of om vir diegene wat geen skoolopleiding in Fisiese Wetenskap gehad het nie, op hoogte te bring van wat belangrik is vir die kinders.
The ideal tool for students to do revision or for students who missed classes due to sickness to catch up and for parents with little or no recent contact with the subject to get up to date in order to teach their children as best they can.
It deals with the very basic concepts of the subject, written in easily understandable language with diagrams to illustrate concepts as far as possible. Therefore is serves as an ideal way for revision.
These notes are meant to help students with, first of all, doing revision of the basic concepts and, secondly, to help students who have problems with the basic concepts. Thirdly, it helps parents who have no or very little knowledge of Physical Science, to get up to scratch in order to help their kids master the sugject.
ROBYN Afrikaans FAL Workbook: Student's Guide & Answer Guide: 
Module 1: comprehensions, tenses, conjunctions, the negative, plurals, diminutives, adjectives, kommunikasie, grammar test. 
This module will help you prepare for tests and examinations. The rules are discussed first (for ex. tenses), followed by exercises. All the answers are in the Answer Guide at the back (p. 60) 
Look out for Module 2. Happy studying. :)
This booklet contains a variety of past Gr 10 Common Test Questions from the years 2016-2022. A perfect revision booklet for upcoming tests and exams.
This document has a comprehensive assortment of past paper questions taken from Department Gr 10 Common Tests (years 2016-2022). All the revision and exam prep you need are in one place! No need to search for the correct memorandum for each question as there is a neatly set-out memo that accompanies the booklet. All sections for the Gr 10 syllabus are covered here and the questions have been grouped together into sections.