Dramatic Arts
12th Grade
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Guidelines on how to write a drama essay on Waiting for Godot

Dramatic Arts Grade 12
- Package deal • 3 items • 2023
- R150,00
- 1x sold
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This package deal comes with notes on Absurd Theatre, Pre-1994 South African Theatre, and Post-1994 South African Theatre, as well as the set works that I studied for each respective theatrical topic, which were Waiting for Godot, Woza Albert! and Tshepang: The Third Testament.

Absurd Theatre notes
- Interview • 9 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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This document consists of Absurd theatre notes, as well as 20th-century 'isms' as well as the set work that I studied this year which was 'Waiting for Godot' by Samuel Beckett

Post-1994 South African theatre
- Interview • 7 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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This document consists of post-1994 South African theatre notes, includes characteristics of the theatre, as well as notes on the set work that I studied which was 'Tshepang: The Last Testament' by Lara Foot

Pre-1994 South African Theatre - Woza Albert!
- Interview • 6 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R100,00
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These notes consist of pre-1994 theatres which include workshop theatre, poor theatre, and protest theatre, as well as one of the set works that I studied which is Woza Albert!
This document is 3 page essay based on the characters, plot, theme, dialogue, language, set and my opinion of the play Waiting for Godot. I received full marks for this essay.

Modern Theatre Movements - The 20th Century "isms" - Summary
- Summary • 4 pages • 2022
- R52,00
- 6x sold
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A concise summary of some of the 20th Century Theatre Movements that serves as a comparison between the movements, dissecting each and highlighting its fundamental principles and trends.
A succinct summary of workshop theatre in a contemporary South African context

A scene by scene summary of the play Woza Albert!
- Summary • 11 pages • 2021
- R100,00
- 9x sold
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Woza Albert! is in the CAPS Matric Syllabus and will be an option that will be tested in your final Matric exam. This is a detailed yet condensed summary and analysis of the play. I used these notes for my June exam , Prelims and my Final exam. I achieved an A for Drama in Matric

Waiting For Godot IEB Dramatic Arts (2 sets of notes for the price of 1)
- Package deal • 2 items • 2021
- R50,00
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There are 2 sets of notes in this bundle. They include pictures and are in-depth notes. These will be a sufficient source to study this play and prepare for your final Dramatic Arts Theory Exam. Note: These notes are recommended for IEB students - as some information may be left out for DBE. Happy Studying! :)

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