Natural Sciences
9th Grade
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Grade 9 term one natural sciences beginner notes The notes cover topics like plant cell (organelles) animal cells and the circulatory system etc

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 35 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 1 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 1 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. Strand 1 - Life and living: Topic 1: Cells as the basic units of life. Topic 2: Systems in the human body. Topic 3: Human reproduction. Topic 4: Circulatory and respiratory systems. Topic 5: Digestive system.

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 2 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 30 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 2 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 2 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. Strand 2 - Matter and materials: Topic 1: Compounds. Topic 2: Chemical reactions. Topic 3: Reactions of metals with oxygen. Topic 4: Reactions of non-metals with oxygen. Topic 5: Acids, bases and pH value. Topic 6: Reactions of acids with bases: Part I, II an...

Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings - Kwartaal 2 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 30 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings Kwartaal 2: Die opsommings is saamgestel deur die Via Afrika handboek se werk op te som. Opsommings is in Afrikaans met aanvullende en skriftelike notas wat deur die opsteller saam gestel is. Afdeling 2 - Materie en materiale: Onderwerp 1: Verbindings. Onderwerp 2: Chemiese reaksies. Onderwerp 3: Reaksies van metale met suurstof. Onderwerp 4: Reaksies van nie-metale met suurstof. Onderwerp 5: Sure, basisse en pH-waarde. Onderwerp 6: ...

Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings - Kwartaal 1 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 35 pages • 2025
- R120,00
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Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings Kwartaal 1: Die opsommings is saamgestel deur die Via Afrika handboek se werk op te som. Opsommings is in Afrikaans met aanvullende en skriftelike notas wat deur die opsteller saam gestel is. Afdeling 1 - Lewe en lewende dinge: Onderwerp 1: Selle as die basiese eenhede van lewe. Onderwerp 2: Stelsels in die menslike liggaam. Onderwerp 3: Menslike voortplanting. Onderwerp 4: Sirkulatoriese en respiratoriese stelsels. Onderwerp 5: Spysver...

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 4 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 29 pages • 2024
- R120,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 4 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 3 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. Strand 4 - Planet Earth and beyond. Topic 1: The Earth as a system. Topic 2: Lithosphere. Topic 3: Mining of mineral resources. Topic 4: Atmosphere. Topic 5: Birth, life and death of stars.

Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings - Kwartaal 4 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 29 pages • 2024
- R120,00
- 1x sold
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Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings Kwartaal 4: Die opsommings is saamgestel deur die Via Afrika handboek se werk op te som. Opsommings is in Afrikaans met aanvullende en skriftelike notas wat deur die opsteller saam gestel is. Afdeling 4 - Planeet Aarde en die Ruimte. Onderwerp 1: Die Aarde as ‘n stelsel. Onderwerp 2: Litosfeer. Onderwerp 3: Ontginning van minerale hulpbronne. Onderwerp 4: Atmosfeer. Onderwerp 5: Geboorte, lewe en...

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 3 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 34 pages • 2024
- R120,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) Summaries - Term 3 (Via Afrika): These summaries are compiled using the Via Afrika textbook's Term 3 content. The summaries are in English, with additional notes provided by the compiler. Strand 3 - Energy and change Topic 1: Forces Topic 2: Electric cells as energy systems Topic 3: Resistance Topic 4: Series and parallel circuits Topic 5: Safety with electricity Topic 6: Energy and the national elec...

Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings - Kwartaal 3 (Via Afrika)
- Summary • 34 pages • 2024
- R120,00
- 1x sold
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Graad 9 Natuurwetenskappe (NW) Opsommings Kwartaal 3: Die opsommings is saamgestel deur die Via Afrika handboek se werk op te som. Opsommings is in Afrikaans met aanvullende en skriftelike notas wat deur die opsteller saam gestel is. Afdeling 3 - Energie en verandering Onderwerp 1: Kragte Onderwerp 2: Elektriese selle as energiestelsels Onderwerp 3: Weerstand Onderwerp 4: Serie- en parallelstroombaan Onderwerp 5: Veiligheid met elektrisite...

Grade 9 Natural Sciences (NS) September Paper and Memo - 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 18 pages • 2024
- R50,00
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Grade 9 Natural Sciences September Paper and Memo: Total: 70 Marks. This paper covers the following topics: Magnetism – Drawing of magnets Electrostatic forces Gravitational forces Forces Calculations – F=mg Ohm’s law Series and parallel circuits – Drawing circuits Calculations of hoe much power cost. All new words from the above mentioned topics This is a practice paper with memorandum meant to test the student's knowledge, and will not be the same paper written for...

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