HeronBridge College
Latest uploads at HeronBridge College. Looking for notes at HeronBridge College? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
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Latest notes & summaries HeronBridge College
Detailed summaries for the following short stories: Lywe, Eienaam, Apoestertjie en die Drie Bere, Die Trompet van Triton, Skreeu, Veertien Boeke vir Emile. Included: descriptions of characters, relationships, settings and events, as well as any important notes commonly examined.
Detailed summary for Shakespeare's Othello. Analysis of themes, characters, relationships and quotes with explanations.
A summary and contrast of Tanzania and the Congo 
Showing the different governments, leadership styles, backgrounds, failure, successes etc.
A good summary of Vietnam for the IEB syllabus using two textbooks and class notes. (2019)
A good summary of the fall of the Berlin Wall for the IEB syllabus using two textbooks and class notes. (2019)
A good summary of Gorbachev's Reforms for the IEB syllabus using two textbooks and class notes. (2019)
A good summary of the USSR for the IEB syllabus using two textbooks and class notes. (2019)
Notes on China (Tibet, Vietnam and India) 
Good summary
I used two textbooks and class notes
A good summary of Poland for the IEB syllabus using two textbooks and class notes. (2019)
The 17 IEB Poems for 2017 are covered in this detailed document. Full summaries of each other the prescribed poems are included in a tabulated format. IEB Poetry is fully summarized in this document. 17 poems are included. The 17 poems that are needed for the IEB final examination.

The poems included are: A Poem is a Painting, Kubla Khan, If thou must love me, My Secret, The Song of Wandering Aengus, Poem in October, Rain after Drought, Da Same, Da Same, The Herb Garden, Release, February 1990,...