St Stithians College (Stithian)
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History Paper 2: The Black Power Movement
- Summary • 6 pages • 2020
- R80,00
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A detailed summary of the Black Power Movement, including a breakdown of each important organisation, a summary of the famous icons involved in the movement and a timeline and brief summary of the events that took place.

Civil Society Protest in the USA
- Summary • 18 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R180,00
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full note pack on civil society protest in the USA. created by an A aggregate history student and checked by IEB history teachers. sufficient for studying USA civil society protests including civil rights movement, disarmament campaign and women's movement

- Summary • 23 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R180,00
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A full note pack on the whole of aparthied in SA. notes have been checked by IEB history teachers and were created by an A aggregate history student. The notes are sufficient for studying aparthied in the Matric syllabus

The Cold War
- Summary • 25 pages • 2019
- Available in package deal
- R180,00
- 2x sold
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Full note pack on the whole Cold War. The notes are sufficient for studying the cold war in the Matric syllabus. from 1945 to the collapse of the USSR. These notes were created by an A aggregate history student. They have been checked by IEB history teachers.

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