St Stithians College (Stithian)
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This bundle consists of an entire note set going into thorough detail of Population Ecology, and a colorful and simple hand written summary for easy revision.

Grade 12 Biology: Genetics summaries
- Summary • 19 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R60,00
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Hand written summaries of DNA and RNA, Transcription and Translation, Genetics definitions and explanations, Genetic Engineering, Recombination Technology, Mutations and Meiosis. These notes consist of diagrams, mind maps, a definition list, and clear explanations. They are colorful and simplified for easier learning, and help with quick revision of Genetics for the IEB Life Science final examination.

Grade 12 Biology: Population Ecology
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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Colorful mind maps of everything that needs to studied for population ecology. These notes are perfect for summarized revision of the grade 12 IEB final Life Science examination. They consist of brief explanation and definitions in a very simplified and easy to learn manner.

Grade 12 Biology: Reproduction
- Summary • 15 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R80,00
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handwritten colorful notes on human reproduction, reproduction in flowering plants and reproductive animal strategies. They include summarized diagrams, colorful mind maps and well explained definitions and terminologies. These notes are perfect for summarized revision and visual explanations on how the reproductive system works, especially the menstrual cycle. They cover everything that would be in the IEB Life Science final examination.

Grade 12 Biology: Reproduction
- Package deal • 5 items • 2020
- R300,00
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This bundle includes Human Reproduction, Flowering Plants Reproduction and Reproductive Animal Strategies. Each set of notes consists of definitions, diagrams and a clear breakdown of all of the content in the reproductive section the final IEB Life Science examination.

Grade 12 Biology: All Diseases in Paper 1
- Summary • 13 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R65,00
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These notes are very helpful summaries of all of the diseases in paper 1. They cover all of the diseases in the Endocrine system, the Reproductive System and Genetics. These are the diseases in the Grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook that will be tested on in the final IEB Life Science Examination. These notes are useful as it helps you learn all of the diseases in one go, instead of flipping back and forth in your textbook.

Grade 12 Biology: Protein Synthesis
- Summary • 4 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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These notes include definitions, DNA replication, the process of Transcription and Translation and an explanation on how antibiotics interfere with protein synthesis. The notes consists of diagrams and comprehensive explanations for better understanding. They are a summary of the grade 12 Mind Action Series Life Science textbook.

Grade 12 Biology: Mutations
- Summary • 2 pages • 2020
- Available in package deal
- R50,00
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A brief summary of mutations. these notes include definitions, a summary of genetic aberrations, the application of DNA technology and DNA profiling.

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