Kinematics - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Kinematics? On this page you'll find 68 study documents about Kinematics.
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Grade 12 IEB Physical Science: Kinematics
- Summary • 24 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R90,00
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These notes cover Section A as per the IEB Physical Science SAGS. Included are detailed notes on "Vectors", "Displacement, Velocity & Acceleration," "Motion: Horizontal & Vertical" and Bouncing. All graphs and their application are explained with detailed annotations to help you understand. These notes are comprehensive but to perform to your best potential, practicing textbook examples and past papers will build your confidence for answering exam questions. I hope these notes are helpful ...

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Kinematics (Section A) summary & notes
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
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This aesthetic, in-depth, neatly typed document summarises Section A of the IEB Grade 12 Physics syllabus: Kinematics. This document includes the full Kinematics syllabus, all definitions, additional class notes, own research notes and all relevant diagrams.
a summery of both engineering kinematics and kinetics

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science Paper 1 (Physics) Entire syllabus summary and notes
- Package deal • 8 items • 2023
- R360,00
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Aesthetic, in depth, neatly typed Grade 12 IEB Physics full syllabus summary
Summarises all 7 sections of the matric physics syllabus: Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Momentum Impulse Work Energy and Power, Gravitational & Electric Fields, Electric Circuits, Electrodynamics, and Photons and Electrons. Includes all relevant definitions & diagrams.

Kinematics grade 12 IEB notes
- Summary • 10 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R101,00
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This document includes a summary of grade 12 IEB kinematics, with SAGS definitions and worked examples and motion graphs.

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science paper 1: Physics Full syllabus notes
- Summary • 26 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R249,00
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IEB Physical Science paper 1: Physics Full syllabus notes 
covers all topics in paper 1: Kinematics, Newtons laws, Momentum, impulse, work, energy and power, gravitational and electric fields, electric circuits, electrodynamics, photons and electrons

Physical Science P1 Exam Notes/Summary (updated)
- Summary • 18 pages • 2023
- R160,00
- 13x sold
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Everything you need to know for physical science P1 based on the 2024 Subject Assessment Guidelines document. Written by an experienced physics tutor and past IEB student. A well-structured, coherent and concise summary written specifically for the matrics of 2024.

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Paper 1: All SAG Definitions
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
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This aesthetic, neatly typed document contains all the IEB Grade 12 Physics SAG Definitions from each section: Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Momentum Impulse Work Energy and Power, Gravitational & Electric Fields, Electric Circuits, Electrodynamics, and Photons and Electrons.

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science - Kinematics Summary
- Summary • 1 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R55,00
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This Grade 12 IEB Physical Science summary on kinematics provides detailed explanations and equations of motion, including displacement, velocity, and acceleration. It covers the key equations for uniform acceleration, interpreting motion graphs, and calculating areas under velocity-time and acceleration-time graphs. Ideal for exam preparation, this guide gives students a strong grasp of kinematic principles.

Engineering Kinematics
- Summary • 8 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R130,00
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This is a summery of kinematics, specifically for first year engineering and includes: 
-position, velocity and acceleration 
-constant motion 
-erratic motion 
-general curvilinear motion 
-general rectilinear motion 
-absolute dependent motion 
-relative motion

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