On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller emmagriesel.
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The excretory system grade 11 Life Science (B&W printable version)
This summary contains study notes on the following topics for grade 11 Life science: excretion in humans, excretory organs, metabolic wastes and their origins, structure of the urinary system, structure and functions of the kidneys, homeostatic control, and diseases that affect the kidneys.
- Summary
- • 13 pages •
This summary contains study notes on the following topics for grade 11 Life science: excretion in humans, excretory organs, metabolic wastes and their origins, structure of the urinary system, structure and functions of the kidneys, homeostatic control, and diseases that affect the kidneys.

The Plant and Animal Cell Life Science Grade 10 Summary
This document contains the parts and functions of different structures found in plant cells and animal cells.
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document contains the parts and functions of different structures found in plant cells and animal cells.

Sexual and asexual reproduction Life Science grade 11 summary
This document contains notes on sexual reproduction strategies and asexual reproduction strategies including binary fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis.
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
This document contains notes on sexual reproduction strategies and asexual reproduction strategies including binary fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis.

Life Science grade 12 - The eye summary
This document contains the following: External and Internal structure of the eye Eye accommodations The pupillary mechanism Visual defects
- Summary
- • 6 pages •
This document contains the following: External and Internal structure of the eye Eye accommodations The pupillary mechanism Visual defects

Perimeter and area mathematics summary
This document contains a summary of perimeter and area in mathematics. This document explains how to calculate the perimeter and area of squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. This document can be used for grade 7-8 mathematics as well as mathematical literacy for grade 10-12.
- Summary
- • 15 pages •
This document contains a summary of perimeter and area in mathematics. This document explains how to calculate the perimeter and area of squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, parallelograms, and trapezoids. This document can be used for grade 7-8 mathematics as well as mathematical literacy for grade 10-12.

Grade 10 History Causes of the French Revolution
This document contains a summary of the following: Causes of the French Revolution including the Ancien Regime, ideas of enlightenment, the financial crisis, and taxation.
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
This document contains a summary of the following: Causes of the French Revolution including the Ancien Regime, ideas of enlightenment, the financial crisis, and taxation.

Die menslike senuweestelsel Lewenswetenskappe graad 12 opsomming
Hierdie opsomming sluit in: struktuur van 'n neuron, klassifikasie van neurone, oordrag van senuwee-impulse, die sentrale senuweestelsel (SSS), die perifere senuweestelsel (PSS), en afwykings en beserings van die senuweestelsel.
- Summary
- • 14 pages •
Hierdie opsomming sluit in: struktuur van 'n neuron, klassifikasie van neurone, oordrag van senuwee-impulse, die sentrale senuweestelsel (SSS), die perifere senuweestelsel (PSS), en afwykings en beserings van die senuweestelsel.

Plantweefsel graad 10 Lewenswetenskappe opsomming
Hierdie dokument is 'n volledige opsomming van die verskillende tipes plantweefsel vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe. Dit sluit in: meristematiese weefsel, permanente weefsel, vaatweefsels, en vervoerweefsels.
- Summary
- • 5 pages •
Hierdie dokument is 'n volledige opsomming van die verskillende tipes plantweefsel vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe. Dit sluit in: meristematiese weefsel, permanente weefsel, vaatweefsels, en vervoerweefsels.

Mitose en kanker Lewenswetenskappe graad 10 opsomming
Hierdie dokument is 'n volledige opsomming van mitose in plantselle en dierselle en die kanker hoofstuk vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe.
- Summary
- • 4 pages •
Hierdie dokument is 'n volledige opsomming van mitose in plantselle en dierselle en die kanker hoofstuk vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe.

Die plantsel en diersel lewenswetenskappe graad 10 opsomming
Volledige opsomming van die plantsel en diersel vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe.
- Summary
- • 3 pages •
Volledige opsomming van die plantsel en diersel vir graad 10 lewenswetenskappe.
Biodiversity of plants grade 11 Life Science
south african theatre 1960-1994 dramatic arts grade 12
Die chemie van lewe lewenswetenskappe graad 10 opsomming
lewenswetenskappe langvrae voorbeelde met antwoorde