PGCE In Foundation Phase (EFAL)
Cornerstone College, Pretoria, Gauteng
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(PowerPoint presentation)Title:CurriculumPolicychanges post-1994
- Exam (elaborations) • 10 pages • 2023
- R158,00
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Create a PowerPoint with supporting notes (on the PowerPoint slides) that presents thecurriculum changes that took place in South Africa post-1994 up until the current CurriculumandAssessmentPolicyStatement(CAPS). Your PowerPoint presentation, including the first cover slide and last reference slide, shouldincludeaminimum ofTEN slides andamaximum ofTWELVEslides. Included must be presenter notes below each slide (these are only able to be seen by thepresenter in the PowerPoint slide layout ...

- Exam (elaborations) • 6 pages • 2023
- R139,00
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Within the context of education in the 1900’s in South Africa, write an essay of 1800 – 2000words (including references), where you discuss to what extent education was used as ameansofrepression and/orresistance. VERY IMPORTANT: All assignments MUST use the resources provided in the moduleoutline and Assignment eGuide. You may access additional resources, but these mayonlybe used inadditionto at leastTHREE oftheresourcesprovided. All assignments must go through Urkund and your percen...
The development of perceptual skills

Topic: Mathematics assessment
- Exam (elaborations) • 17 pages • 2022
- R152,00
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Consider that your school has earmarked the second last week of Term 3 as assessment week. Develop a Formal Assessment Task (FAT) for any Foundation Phase ( Grades 1-3) of your choice, to assess your learners in the area of Number Operations and Relationships OR Patterns, Functions and Algebra. Explain the methodology you will use to assess your learners Provide the assessment tool (rubric). Design a Report Card for one learner (include the other subjects and...

- Essay • 18 pages • 2022
- R149,00
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Assignment 3: Section A: Topic: Grade 1 Lesson planning with a focus on group work From the Foundation Phase Mathematics CAPS document, choose any one of the following content areas: Space and Shape; Measurement; Data Handling Develop one lesson for the area you have chosen for a Grade 1 class. The lesson plan can be for any term – indicate which term you have chosen and provide the relevant CAPS pages for the content and term you are working from. Include the LTSM you ...

Lesson Plans for EFAL
- Essay • 14 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R143,00
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There are about 30 learners in each class at ABC, with about 2 classes in each grade in Foundation Phase (FP). The lesson plans below are aimed at Grade 1 learners improving their handwriting skills and the topic of both lessons are grammar. The classroom is filled with a visual aid that is colorful and eye-catching for the learners, adding to learner motivation. For example, there is a word wall with relevant words for different topics of each lesson, and the entire classroom is labeled with En...

Lesson plan and rationale for EFAL
- Essay • 13 pages • 2021
- Available in package deal
- R203,00
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The lesson below is aimed at learners at an underprivileged school in Cape Town. The school consists of many learners from diverse backgrounds. The most prominent culture is isiXhosa, meaning that learners are used to learning in their Home Language (HL) and are learning English as a First Language (EFAL). The grade 3 classrooms have 23 learners, there is a high absentee rate as learners live outside of the city and there are many transportation issues. On average, there are roughly 15 learners ...

The Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL) draft policy
- Essay • 5 pages • 2021
- R110,00
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The IIAL Draft Policy provided a multifaceted approach to learning additional languages. It explains language as its own subject; be it HL or FAL. The IIAL provides a framework of programme requirements for HL and two additional languages at FAL level (DBE, 2013). The IIAL allocates instructional time between 23-25 hours for Foundation Phase learners in Grade 1 – Grade 3 (DBE, 2013).

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