Circuits - Study guides, Study notes & Summaries
Looking for the best study guides, study notes and summaries about Circuits? On this page you'll find 167 study documents about Circuits.
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Grade 7 Technology (TECH) September Paper and Memo - 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 16 pages • 2024
- R50,00
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Grade 7 Technology September Paper and Memo: 
Total: 50 Marks. 
Contents of the exam paper contains the following details: 
Electrical circuits 
Cranks and pulleys 
This is a practice paper with memorandum meant to test the student's knowledge, and will not be the same paper written for the exam. 

Electro-techniques 143 Summary
- Summary • 27 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R99,00
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An in-depth, concise summary of circuit analysis techniques. Some concepts covered include voltage and current division, node-voltage and mesh-current methods, direct and indirect sources, Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits, power transfer and optimisation, and superposition, among others.

Physical Science P1 Exam Notes/Summary (updated)
- Summary • 18 pages • 2023
- R160,00
- 13x sold
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Everything you need to know for physical science P1 based on the 2024 Subject Assessment Guidelines document. Written by an experienced physics tutor and past IEB student. A well-structured, coherent and concise summary written specifically for the matrics of 2024.

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science paper 1: Physics Full syllabus notes
- Summary • 26 pages • 2022
- Available in package deal
- R249,00
- 1x sold
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IEB Physical Science paper 1: Physics Full syllabus notes 
covers all topics in paper 1: Kinematics, Newtons laws, Momentum, impulse, work, energy and power, gravitational and electric fields, electric circuits, electrodynamics, photons and electrons

Grade 12 IEB Physical Science (Physics) Paper 1: All SAG Definitions
- Summary • 4 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- R70,00
- 2x sold
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This aesthetic, neatly typed document contains all the IEB Grade 12 Physics SAG Definitions from each section: Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Momentum Impulse Work Energy and Power, Gravitational & Electric Fields, Electric Circuits, Electrodynamics, and Photons and Electrons.

Revision on VPM, Electric Circuits, Electrochemistry
- Interview • 101 pages • 2022
- R100,00
- 1x sold
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This document adressess challenges in VPM, Electric Circuits, Electrochemistry. For Grade 12 Learners preparing for their final examination.

Grade 11 Physical Science (PS) (Physics) November Paper 1 and Memo - 2023
- Exam (elaborations) • 26 pages • 2023
- R50,00
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Grade 11 Physical Sciences November Paper 1 and Memo: 
Total: 150 Marks. 
This exam paper covers the following work: 
Physics - Vectors in 2D | Newton's Laws | Newton's Universal law | Electrostatics | Electromagnetism | Electric Circuits 
This is a practice paper with memorandum meant to test the student's knowledge, and will not be the same paper written for the exam. 

NST1502 Assignment 4 PORTFOLIO Semester 2 Due 8 October 2024
- Exam (elaborations) • 15 pages • 2024
- R53,06
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QUESTION 1 Energy Basics [18 marks] 1.1 Define and explain the different forms of 
energy, providing real-world examples for each. (Focus on the following forms of 
energy; Kinetic energy; potential energy; thermal energy; chemical energy; electrical 
energy, light energy, and sound energy). (14) 1.2 Discuss the concept of energy 
transformation, giving examples of how one form of energy can be converted into 
another. (4) QUESTION 2 Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy Sources [18 Marks] 

Physics (Mechanics) notes Grade 12
- Summary • 49 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R99,99
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Compiled by T. Doyle 
C. Fairman; S. Murray 
, 2 
Mechanics is the branch of physics dealing with the behaviour of bodies (objects) when forces 
are exerted on them. 
Kinematics is the branch of mechanics dealing with changes in motion without reference to the 
forces causing the changes. 
Dynamics is the branch of mechanics dealing with the relationships between the changes in 
motion of bodies and the for...

Physical Sciences Definitions/ Terminology Notes Summary Grade 12
- Summary • 20 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- R180,00
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ALL Physical Sciences Definitions For Physics Paper 1 needed to ace Grade 12 exams. Includes terminology from 
1.	Newton’s Laws and Application 	 
2.	Momentum and Impulse 	 
3.	Vertical Projectile Motion 	 
4.	Work, Energy and Power 	 
5.	Doppler Effect 	 
6.	Electrostatics 
7.	Electric Circuits 
8.	Electrical Machines 
9.	Optical Phenomena and Properties of Materials

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