12th Grade
Latest uploads at 12th Grade. Looking for notes at 12th Grade? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
All courses for 12th Grade
- A level chemistry 2
- A level physics 2
- A programme of Music, Visual Arts and Drama education 29
- Accounting 72
- Advanced Program Mathematics 4
- Advanced Program Maths 1
- Advanced Programme Mathematics 2
- Afrikaan Huistaal. 1
- Afrikaans 19
- Afrikaans FAL IEB 1
- Afrikaans FAL Poetry 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Languag 3
- Afrikaans First Additional Language 13
- Afrikaans First Additional Language Gedigte Notes Grade 12 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Language IEB 1
- Afrikaans First Additional Language OR IsiXhosa First Additional Language 498
- Afrikaans Gedigte 3
- Afrikaans Home Language 10
- Afrikaans Huistaal 89
- Afrikaans Huistaal - 2023-2025 Gedigte 1
- Agricultural Management Practices 2
- Agricultural Sciences 11
- Agricultural-Management 1
- Agriculture 5
- ALL 9
- Alpha Wiskunde Opsommings 1
- AP Mathematics 4
- AP Maths 7
- AP Physics 1
- Art 1
- Economic 1
- Economics 25
- Economics and Business studies 1
- Ecs3701 exam pack 2023 1
- Egd 3
- Ekonomie 9
- Elektriese tegnologie 1
- Engineering and graphic design 6
- Engineering Graphics and Design 2
- Engineering Graphics Design EGD 1
- English 5
- English fal 15
- English first additional 1
- English first additional langauge 1
- English First Additional Language 60
- English Home Language 1143
- English Home Language literature 1
- English literature 1
- English Second Additional Language 1
- ICT 5
- IEB Dance 1
- IEB Life Sciences 3
- IEB Life Sciences Gr 12 1
- IEB Matric (Life Sciences) 5
- IEB Visual Art - Conceptual and Contemporary art 1
- IEB Visual Art - Contemporary SA art 1
- Information Technology 73
- Information Technology or IT 5
- Information Technology/ IT 1
- Isizulu 1
- IsiZulu First Additional Language 13
- IT 2
Popular books 12th Grade
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780624090465
Siphiwe Gloria Ndlovu • ISBN 9781415210116
Fanie Viljoen • ISBN 9780624046691
Samestelling • ISBN 9780799384406
Adam Small • ISBN 9780624046233
Margaret Atwood, Margaret Atwood • ISBN 9780771008795
Sandra Jacobs • ISBN 9781919867960
Edna Rooth, Jeff Anderson • ISBN 9780636142626
Jean Bottaro • ISBN 9780199056903
Altus Strydom, Henricho Ferreira, Peter J. Holmes • ISBN 9781107608061
Derick Van der Walt • ISBN 9780624046684
Reza De Wet, Ronél Gouws • ISBN 9780636085602
ISBN 9780199049042
Latest notes & summaries 12th Grade
Here to help students learn more
There are some documents to help students through their exams and you will benefit from this
An in depth summary of all the poetry content presented in 2024. Find the poems most applicable to you.
Perfect for exam preparation. Grade 10-12 students can use this to quickly and effectively revise their functions. Bridging learning gaps and allowing for success in functions!
Hierdie bondige opsomming vir Afrikaans Huistaal Vraestel 1 fokus op sleutelkonsepte in taalstruktuur en -gebruik, asook ‘n volledige gids oor hoe om ‘n opsomming te skryf. Perfek vir eksamenvoorbereiding en vinnige hersiening! ️
Hierdie boekie is ’n Afrikaanse Huistaal-gids vir graad 8 tot 12, met ’n fokus op taalstrukture, wenke en formate vir Vraestel 1 (taal en begrip). Dit dek die volgende: 
Leesbegrip: Wenke om begripstoetse effektief te beantwoord, met aandag aan tekssoorte soos transaksionele tekste, visuele tekste, en prosatekste. Daar word op vraetipes soos feite versus menings, implikasies, stereotipering, en visuele analise gefokus. 
Opsommings: Stap-vir-stap aanwysings oor hoe om feite uit te kies en...
Hierdie dokument bevat al 4 langvrae: vietnam , swartmagbeweging, burgerlike verset en die koms van demokrasie waarvoor ek al heel jaar 100% kry , daar is ook n kort opsommings bladsy van elkeen
- Vraagteken 
- Taylor Swift 
- Staan op! 
- Sondagaande 
- "Mamma" kan ek nie se nie 
- Daarom 
- Aandeelhouer 
- klein geloof 
- Die wereld het so klein geword 
- Strelitzia