
BBA-Business Administration in Hospitality Operations Management

Hi, I’m Amyy, a second-year hospitality management student at the International Hotel School. I love learning about the hospitality industry and sharing my knowledge with others. That’s why I sell my notes and assignments on Stuvia, the best online platform for buying and selling study resources. I have scored above 80 in all of my hospitality management modules, I have also completed an internship at a leading hotel, where I gained valuable practical skills and insights into the industry. I sell comprehensive notes and assignments for various hospitality management modules, such as Introduction to Hospitality, Food and Beverage Management, Hotel Operations, Marketing for Hospitality, and more. My notes and assignments are well-structured, clear, concise, and accurate. They cover all the key concepts, theories, definitions, and examples that you need to know for your exams. You can check out some samples of my notes and assignments on my profile page. If you are interested in buying my notes or assignments or have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime. I am always happy to help you with your studies. Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your grades and learn from the best!


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8 items

Human Resource Management summary of chapter 8 (Page 310 to 336), module guide unit 8, covering sessions 32-35

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Provides summary explanations and examples of the following topics under Human Resource Management Theory and practice chapter 8: Motivation, motivational theories, lack of motivation and deviating employee behaviours, commitment, organizational citizenship, and employee engagement.

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  • Summary
  •  • 21 pages • 
  • by Hospitalitymanagement101 • 
  • uploaded  2023
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BAAP- Accounting Principles semester 1 assignment for first year students

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This assignment will be discussing depreciation, the various depreciation methods, and their uses in determining the value of an asset over a period, such as the straight-line method, double declining balance method, and the sum-of-the-years method. The differences between inventory systems used with a business and their advantages and disadvantages and their use within the business. Ratios and the various types of ratios analysis, their purposes, and their use within the business. T...

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  •  Package deal
  • Other
  •  • 18 pages • 
  • by Hospitalitymanagement101 • 
  • uploaded  2023
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