Welcome to Skool Notas! We're passionate about education and dedicated to providing vibrant educational resources tailored for Grade 04 to 12. Our mission is to support students, teachers, and parents alike with colourful and engaging materials designed to enhance learning experiences. With Skool Notas, you'll find a wide range of educational tools, from insightful notes to interactive exercises, all aimed at making learning both effective and enjoyable.
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103 items
Information and Communication Technology Flashcards
- Flashcards
- • 10 items •
Geography Grade 07 Term 02 summary
This Geography Grade 07 Term 02 summary, created by Skool Notas, provides a complete overview of the term's syllabus. With a total of 10 pages and compiled from the Via Afrika handbook, this PDF document has been specifically adapted to the 2024 CAPS (DBE) curriculum. Learners can expect to develop a thorough understanding of the subject by using this concise and informative summary.
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
This Geography Grade 07 Term 02 summary, created by Skool Notas, provides a complete overview of the term's syllabus. With a total of 10 pages and compiled from the Via Afrika handbook, this PDF document has been specifically adapted to the 2024 CAPS (DBE) curriculum. Learners can expect to develop a thorough understanding of the subject by using this concise and informative summary.
Geografie Graad 07 Kwartaal 02 opsomming
Hierdie Geografie Graad 07 Kwartaal 02 opsomming, geskep deur Skool Notas, bied 'n volledige oorsig van die kwartaal se leerplan. Met 'n totaal van 10 bladsye en saamgestel uit die Via Afrika handboek, is hierdie PDF-dokument spesifiek aangepas aan die 2024 KABV (DBE) leerplan. Leerders kan verwag om 'n deeglike begrip van die onderwerp te ontwikkel deur hierdie bondige en insiggewende opsomming te gebruik.
- Summary
- • 10 pages •
Hierdie Geografie Graad 07 Kwartaal 02 opsomming, geskep deur Skool Notas, bied 'n volledige oorsig van die kwartaal se leerplan. Met 'n totaal van 10 bladsye en saamgestel uit die Via Afrika handboek, is hierdie PDF-dokument spesifiek aangepas aan die 2024 KABV (DBE) leerplan. Leerders kan verwag om 'n deeglike begrip van die onderwerp te ontwikkel deur hierdie bondige en insiggewende opsomming te gebruik.
Rekenaartoepassingstegnologie Graad 11 opsomming (Study Opportunities)
- Summary
- • 79 pages •
Lewenswetenskappe Graad 10 opsomming (Via Afrika)
- Summary
- • 75 pages •
Gasvryheidstudies Graad 11 opsomming (Verken)
- Summary
- • 104 pages •
Besigheidstudies Graad 10 opsomming (Consumo handboek)
- Summary
- • 54 pages •
Business Studies Grade 10 summary (Consumo textbook)
- Summary
- • 54 pages •
Natuurwetenskappe Graad 07-08 opsommings (Via Afrika)
- Package deal
- • 2 items •
Lewensoriëntering Graad 10-12 opsommings (Verken)
- Package deal
- • 3 items •
Driehoekige sirkel vrae en antwoorde
Besigheidstudies Graad 12 opsomming (Departement van Basiese Onderwys handboek)
Good notes and so colourful, nicely summarised
Lewensoriëntering Graad 11 (Verken handboek)
Lewensoriëntering Graad 8 (Vandag handboek)
Computer Application Technology Theory Grade 10 (Study Opportunities-textbook)